The Worst Fears In America!

Photo: Matthias Clamer / Stone / Getty Images

If you ask a bunch of people to RSVP for a rooftop Halloween party, expect some no-shows . . .


A new survey on America's top PHOBIAS found the top two are a fear of heights, and a fear of OTHER PEOPLE. "Social phobia" ranked second. It's another term for social anxiety.


They polled people in all 50 states. Here are the top phobias overall . . .


1.  Acrophobia (akro-phobia) . . . the fear of heights. It's #1 in 20 different states.

2.  Social phobia . . . the fear of social situations.

3.  Arachnophobia . . . the fear of spiders.

4.  Thanatophobia (than-uh-tuh-phobia) . . . the fear of death.

5. Trypanophobia (trip-an-uh-phobia) . . . the fear of needles.

6. Ophidiophobia (oh-fiddy-uh-phobia) . . . the fear of snakes.

7. Atychiphobia (uh-tick-uh-phobia) . . . an intense fear of failure.

8.  Agoraphobia (uh-gore-uh-phobia) . . . the fear of open spaces.  (It's #1 in New Mexico . . . and in America's smallest state, Rhode Island.)

9.  Glossophobia  (gloss-uh-phobia) . . . the fear of public speaking.

10.  Trypophobia  (trip-uh-phobia) . . . having "feelings of disgust or fear when you see patterns with lots of holes."  (???) Like in honeycombs or sponges. It's supposedly the top fear in Hawaii and Idaho.

Claustrophobia . . . or the fear of tight spaces . . . only ranked first in one state, Mississippi. 

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