'Be Aware': Arizona Police Warning Residents About 'Jugging'

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Arizona police are warning residents that "jugging" is on the rise, reported 12 News. This comes after an 84-year-old Arizona woman was followed home after leaving the bank and then robbed right in her own driveway.

So what is jugging?

According to police, criminals are watching people who enter and exit local banks. They will then follow them with the intent to rob them or break into their cars to look for cash.

The Scottsdale Police Department posted the warning on Nextdoor. A spokesperson said that it was meant to be an advisory of a national trend that has made it to Mesa.

Last month, it happened to Claudette Jones. Jones said, "It was frightening."

Surveillance footage shows a man approaching Jones in her driveway and robbing her at gunpoint. She said he followed her home from the bank.

Jones said, "It was very terrifying to see that gun in my face. It scared me. I’ve never had anything like this before."

Police say that if you feel like you're being followed, drive to a police station or a busy parking lot.

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