Instagram's New Updates Are Getting Mixed Reviews

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With TikTok in limbo…we may soon be stuck with Instagram. So they apparently decided this was a great time to make a bunch of changes. As I’m sure you’ve noticed…Instagram quietly tweaked the design of profile grids, changing the shape of our posts from square to rectangle.

· Creators who meticulously designed their grids to look a certain way are furious, but people like us... probably don’t care too much.

· FYI: you can’t revert back to the old design but you can adjust how images appear on your Instagram grid after the update.

· They also made a few other changes like now

allowing you to do 3-minute Reels instead of 90 seconds. This is probably all because they were expecting lots of former TikTokers to come flocking over.

· Another update is a new Reels feature. Now we can see which Reels your friends have liked or commented on, to spark conversations and strengthen connections with friends.

· Instagram is also looking to move your Highlights into the grid, while also adding them as a separate tab. That’s coming. Instagram’s also looking to add the ability to post directly to your grid, in case you want to bypass the feed entirely.

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