Welp, we've hit a point where standing in line for rich people is an actual CAREER now. Someone just did a big profile on a guy in New York named Robert Samuel who does it for a living. He started a company a while ago called Same Ole Line Dudes, and he's making quite a bit of money now.
He realized there was a big market in New York back when "Hamilton" tickets were huge. When Lin-Manuel Miranda said he was leaving the cast, tickets for his last shows were going for as much as $15,000. But you could still get them at face value the morning of if you waited in line. So he started charging $5,000 to get two tickets.
He said it usually required camping out for four or five days. So that's around $1,000 a day for his services. But for people with lots of money, it was a bargain.
Isn't this crazy?? Actually, where do I sign up??