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Fox News posted a list of the weirdest law in all 50 states. Some are old laws that don't apply anymore, and the rest are rarely enforced. Here are a few of the strangest ones that are apparently still on the books . . .
1. California: You can't eat frogs that died in a frog-jumping competition.
2. Colorado: No upholstery on outdoor furniture. The exception is if you're selling it in a yard sale.
3. Indiana: No catching fish with your bare hands, and no DYNAMITE either.
4. Kansas: Kids over 14 can't use playgrounds.
5. Kentucky: Reptiles can't be used in religious services.
6. Maine: No gambling at the airport.
7. Massachusetts: If you sing the national anthem in public, you have to sing the whole thing. No stopping halfway through, or you could be fined $100.
8. Michigan: A 1913 law made it illegal to be drunk on a train. But in Minnesota, being drunk in public anywhere ISN'T a crime.
9. Mississippi: No swearing in public if two or more people are around.
10. Nebraska: Technically, you can't get married if you have an STD.
11. New Hampshire: No collecting seaweed at night.
12. New Mexico: No dancing while wearing a sombrero. (???)
13. Pennsylvania: No explosives at weddings. You can't fire a gun either.
14. South Carolina: It's illegal for a man to seduce a woman by promising to marry her if he doesn't mean it. You can get up to a year in jail for it.
15. South Dakota: You can't use fireworks to protect sunflowers from birds.
16. Tennessee: Unless you have a permit, you can't keep a skunk as a pet.
17. Utah: You can't buy beer in containers larger than two liters. So, no kegs.
18. Virginia: No hunting within 200 yards of a church on Sundays.
19. Washington: Shoe stores can't use X-ray machines to find a shoe that fits.
20. West Virginia: You can't use a ferret to help you hunt.
( has the full list.)
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