Photo: Deagreez / iStock / Getty Images
I can't stop laughing because I have SUCH an issue saying "Rural" and it's number one on the list, so at least I know I'm not alone! Check out this list of the words people have the hardest time saying:
1. Rural
2. Brewery
3. Marlboro
4. Posthumously
5. Worcestershire sauce
6. Sixth
7. Anemon
8. Hamster. (It's not "hampster.")
9. Espresso. (It's not "expresso.")
10. Acai, pronounced "Ah-sa-ee."
11. Realtor
12. Negligible
13. Gyro
14. Proselytize
15. Abominable
16. Metastasized
17. Phenomenon
18. February
19. Amortization
20. Someone said, "For some reason I really have to focus when I say "rear wheel drive."