Aries: Feeling extra fiery today? Channel that irritation into something productive, like ranting about everything that’s wrong with the world. People love your energy—just don’t burn anyone!

Taurus: Your usual chill vibe is replaced by a deep, quiet annoyance. Treat yourself to a comfort snack, but watch out, or you’ll start a rant about how no one makes snacks as good as they used to.

Gemini: Can’t decide what’s more irritating—the fact that it’s Grouch Day or that everyone’s acting like it’s no big deal. Vent to your two favorite people and play both sides of the argument.

Cancer: You’re feeling extra sensitive, and every little thing is getting under your skin. It’s okay to sulk for a bit, just make sure to tell your people you need some space!

Leo: Normally, you’re the life of the party, but today? Not so much. You’ll loudly declare your displeasure about everything and expect the spotlight while doing so.

Virgo: The mess in the world is really getting to you. Use today to meticulously list every little thing that annoys you. You’ll feel better after reorganizing your grievances.

Libra: Even on Grouch Day, you’re trying to keep the peace. But if anyone disturbs your perfectly balanced plans, expect a passive-aggressive clapback.

Scorpio: You’re feeling grouchy and secretly enjoying it. Don’t be surprised if your brooding mood makes you even more mysterious and irresistible than usual.

Sagittarius: Why so serious? You’re not usually one to mope, but today’s a good excuse to grumble about being stuck in one place too long. Time to plan your next escape!

Capricorn: Always striving for perfection, today’s imperfections are glaring. Your inner grouch emerges as you quietly judge everyone’s inefficiency. Try not to take over completely!

Aquarius: People are annoying, and you’re over it. Your unique take on Grouch Day? Alienating yourself with some alone time. The future is too bright for this nonsense.

Pisces: All the bad vibes are making you grouchy. Just let yourself dream about a peaceful world where no one gets on your nerves for at least five minutes.

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